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Warning Siren Locations

Click here for siren locations

NOAA Weather Radio


The fastest, most accurate and reliable means of receiving severe weather information is through a NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Weather Radio with a tone alert feature and battery backup. Weather radios may be purchased at local electronics stores.

NOAA Weather Radio is operated directly from the National Weather Service office in Jackson, Kentucky which provides coverage for Wayne County. The weather radio tone alert is activated when weather watches and warnings are issued. Newer models are capable of warning you only if severe weather is expected to reach Wayne County. This feature is called Specific Area Message Encoding (S.A.M.E.). Ask your local electronics retailer for help programming your weather radio before you leave the store or click on button below.





(Click button for information on how to program your S.A.M.E. NOAA Weather Radio)





CodeRed Weather Warning


Wayne County provides a telephone based warning system for severe weather. CodeRED Weather Warning will alert Wayne County residents, who have signed up for this free service, within seconds of any National Weather Service warning for tornado, severe thunderstorm or flash flood warnings. Due to the fact that the system is fully automated (based on information received from the National Weather Service) residents will receive a recorded message alerting them.


What CodeRED Weather Warning does: CodeRED Weather Warning is a severe weather early warning service that will call your phone and deliver a prerecorded alert message after a warning is issued for your area by the National Weather Service.


How CodeRED Weather Warning works: CodeRED Weather Warning utilizes state of the art satellite equipment to capture severe weather warnings within seconds after they are issued by local National Weather Service Office. CodeRED Weather Warning determines the nature of the warning* and the exact area(s) affected. If the National Weather Service has identified a severe weather* the CodeRED Weather Warning system creates a calling database of all CodeRED Weather Warning subscribers in the potential path of the storm.


*Severe warnings acted on by CodeRED Weather Warning include Tornado, Severe Thunderstorm, and Flash Flood warnings.


Signup to receive CodeRed Weather Warnings through our Community Enrollment Page -












When Sirens Sound: Take Cover – Tune In – Take Action


The Outdoor Warning Sirens are intended to alert persons involved in outdoor activities that an emergency situation exists. The Outdoor Warning Sirens may be activated for any emergency situation requiring public warning. Persons hearing the outdoor warning sirens should seek shelter, obtain additional information from local radio, television and NOAA Weather Radio and then take appropriate action for their safety.


During severe weather the Outdoor Warning Sirens are activated for Tornado Warnings issued by the National Weather Service or when a funnel cloud or tornado is observed by a public safety official.


To receive severe weather warnings when indoors we recommend all occupancies have a NOAA Weather Radio with Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME), tone alert and battery backup.

Remember: When Sirens Sound: Take Cover – Tune In – Take Action.


111 Jim Hill Service Road

Monticello, KY.  42633

Office: 606-348-3302

Fax: 606-348-3304

© 2014 by Wayne County Emergency Management. Proudly created with 

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